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Anomelli Mellow
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Personal Bot Control Panel

Bot control panel is a simple, intuitive and friendly tool used to manage your personal bot. All settings are located in one place.

Accessing Personal Bot Control Panel

  1. Login to your account at
  2. In the menu on the left, click "Your personal bots"
  3. Locate bot and click "manage bot":
    Manage bot.jpg


1. Basic Information

Displays your bot's online/offline status, expiration date with option to prolong your bot and an option to change your bot type.

2. Bot add-ons

Your bot's current add-ons and menu to attach more. Read more about how to purchase and manage bot add-ons here.

3. Edit profile

Here you can quickly edit your bot's SL profile (read more here).

4. Autoresponder

Allows you to setup your bot's autoresponder AI. Using Dialogflow, or Simple IM Autoresponder add-on

5. SBSL & Playground

SBSL bot programming and Bots Playground. Here you can see a list of scripts located on your bot. You can also add a new script. SBSL must be enabled for Alive Bots to work.

6. Live Chat

After clicking on either one of these buttons, you will be forwarded to the web interface which allows you to view and respond to Instant Messages and Local Chat received by the bot. You'll need LiveIMs add-on and/or Local Chat add-on for this.

7. Bot SL account

Allows you to enter/update your bot's SL username/password

8. Security

Allows you to setup your Bot access code for protecting your bot and applying SmartBots API functions or allowing third-party services to control your personal bot.

9. Balance L$

Allows sending L$ from bot's balance without logging into your bot using a viewer. You will need Bank Bot add-on for this

10. Options

Еnable or disable various settings: accepting inventory, group invitations and animation offers.

11. Bot Inventory

Opens your Bot's Inventory Browser

12. Bot base location

Set home location of bot manually, by using region coordinates. (Changes automatically by using "Teleport" function of Bot HUD)

  • Your bot can login to last location, or home location after relog. (Drop-down menu)
  • Always return to base: Your bot will return to it's home location, even if "last location" is selected
  • Multi-sim support: Allows your bot to cross region borders (currently beta-function)

13. Object to sit

Set an object for your bot to sit on using the object UUID/Key. More information here