
Support Managers

Aerielle Kiyori
Anomelli Mellow
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How to change bot

Sometimes it may be necessary for you to change your groups active bot. To do this follow the steps below:

Step 1

On your account dashboard locate the name of the group whose bot you wish to change. Under it you should see your current bot and beside it "(change)", click "(change)":


Step 2


To change your bot to a personal bot

To change your bot to a personal bot select the option that says "use my Personal bot" (number 2 above), and select your bots name from the drop down list (number 3 above).

Note: with a personal bot all services are free and you only need to pay for the bot, if you change from a shared bot to a personal bot your group will expire when your bot does.

To change your shared bot

To change your shared bot select "use shared SmartBots bot" (number 1 above) and then select the new bot you wish to use from the drop down list (number 3 above).

After you made your selection click "Change Bot".

Step 3

Review and confirm your selection:


The bot managing your group has now been changed. Please read additional steps below.

Additional Steps

No matter which bot you choose you will need to invite it into the group and give it the required abilities.