
Support Managers

Kaitlynn Rizzo
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Earn Lindens with SmartBots

You can earn money with SmartBots by referring new customers. You earn money every time your customer pays.

SmartBots Franchise is the most profitable way to earn with SmartBots. You get up to 30% of all payments!

Franchise commission.png

Referring using links and terminals

The easiest ways to get customers are:

  • put SmartBots banners on your website
  • rez SmartBots Terminal on your parcel
Terminal example.jpg

To receive your copy of SmartBots Terminal:

  1. login to SmartBots account
  2. click the SmartBots Franchise menu item
  3. click "Request Terminal" for instant delivery


The commission you get paid is 5%. For a larger commission, open a SmartBots Franchise on your land: see SmartBots Franchise page.

Commission accumulates on your SmartBots account and is being paid to Second Life avatar automatically by your request.