
Support Managers

Aerielle Kiyori
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About SmartBots

How SmartBots Service Works

You don't have to keep your PC running 24/7 to run a bot.

We host all bots, maintain and support the bot software. All you have to do is to place the SmartBots Interface device on your parcel. It's that easy!

The SmartBots Interface device watches over your parcel visitors and connects your bot to invite them to your group. Spamless invites only!

About Bots we Offer for Your Use

Our Second Life bots (SmartBots) use our own software, which is highly optimized to minimize the lag and delays

The server software is fully compatible with Linden Labs TOS. The code is secured and signed with the Thawte security certificate.

You can choose SL name while setting up your group bot.

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